Monday, October 5, 2009

All is good.

We had the second ultrasound last Friday. Bubs was very squirmy and gave the doc a bit of trouble (What is it with us and ultrasounds?) but eventually he was able to get all of the views required. It was such a relief as he ticked off the potential health problems. No spina bifida. No Downs syndrome. No major congenital heart defects. They have been a prob on Girl O' Sea's side. He/She (I refuse to say it but I will confess that I generally do say he) seems as healthy as we can hope. A great relief.

My favourite bit was a perfect shot of the soles of his/her feet. It was almost like bubs was in the monitor pushing back against the glass. Is it those feet that I feel kicking Girl O' Sea's tummy each night before we go to sleep? Is it too early to start wondering if he/she can kick off both feet? The AFL Draft Camp makes a father think of these things.

So that's 20 weeks down and 20 to go.

1 comment:

Penthe said...

Smiling at the power of perfect feet.