Saturday, February 27, 2010

Off and racing!

Finally I have heard the words I've been waiting for:

"I think my waters broke."

That was at 4am.
The first contraction was at 4.25. We're not sure if there has been a second. It's a little confusing but I'm sure we'll know all about it soon enough.

It's now 5.30 and Girl O' Sea is upstairs listening to some Calm Birth audio tracks and trying to relax.

For me it's time to blow up the birth pool.

I've checked the batteries in the cameras. Good to go.

We'll give it a little while longer before we call the midwives. Not a lot they can do now so best they sleep. We need them to be on top of their game today. I wish we had gone to bed a little bit earlier. 3 hours sleep isn't enough but I am sure we will be surviving on adrenalin today anyway.

Best get on with it.

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